Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

I am an assistant professor at the Université de Montréal, a core academic member of the Mila - Quebec AI Institute, CIFAR AI chair, and co-director of the Robotics and Embodied AI Lab (REAL). I was a Postdoctoral Researcher with Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR), working with Sergey Levine. His previous and current research has focused on solving sequential decision-making problems for real-world autonomous learning systems (robots). The specific of his research has covered the areas of reinforcement-, continual-, meta-, hierarchical learning, and human-robot collaboration. In his work, Dr. Berseth has published at top venues across the disciplines of robotics, machine learning, and computer animation. Currently, he is teaching a course on robot learning at Université de Montréal and Mila that covers the most recent research on machine learning techniques for creating generalist robots.

To see a more formal biography, click here.

Interested in joining the lab?

Are you interested in the practical and theoretical challenges of creating generalist problem-solving robots? Please see this page to apply. I may not respond to emails.



#Archicecture 1
#Architecture 1
#Authors 1
#Awards 1
#C++ 1
#CharacterAnimation 2
#Competitions 1
#ComputerGames 1
#Continual Learning 2
#ContinualLearning 1
#CrowdDynamics 2
#CrowdEvacuation 5
#CrowdSimulation 7
#CrowdSimultion 3
#Curvature 1
#DeepLearning 6
#DistributedSystems 1
#GameDifficulty 2
#GameLevelDesign 2
#Geometry 1
#GPS 1
#Grammar 1
#HierarchicalRL 2
#HighResolutionTimer 1
#HumanComputerInteraction 1
#Imitation Learning 1
#IndiGolog 1
#Latex 1
#LevelOfService 2
#Life Long Learning 1
#Linux 1
#Locomotion 2
#Mac osx 1
#MachineLearning 2
#MLP 2
#ModelBasedRL 2
#Multi-Agent Simulation 1
#Multitask Learning 1
#Navigation 1
#News 7
#Optimization 5
#Planning 1
#Python 2
#RealTimePlanning 1
#Reinforcement Learning 4
#ReinforcementLearning 12
#RL 11
#Robot Learning 2
#Robotics 6
#Robots 1
#Satisfiability 1
#SciPy 1
#Self-Supervision 2
#Sim2Real 1
#Simulation 5
#Spelling 1
#SteerSim 6
#Supervision 1
#UnrealEngine 1
#UnsupervisedLearning 2
#URC 1