Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

misc Articles

  • Sat 21 November 2015
  • misc

Basic Reinforcement Learning Example using Logistic Regression

Glen Berseth

Reinforcement learning has been shown to solve complex problems. Recently it has been used with great success by google DeepMind playing Atari games. The success is great but understanding the basic of some of these frameworks/algorithms can be daunting. In this post I hope to eliminate some of the mental entropy caused by trying to understand how and why the algorithms work. I will focus on Logistic Regression as it is a simple and if we can understand this model then more complex models are far easier to comprehend.

  • Wed 21 October 2015
  • misc

Animation/Simulation System flow of control

Glen Berseth

Simulation for animation is no easy task. There are many steps when constructing an animation and figuring out when particular data should be instantiated can be tricky. I am going to go over one method I have been using to help organize the steps and structure that could be used to construct the simulation flow of control.

  • Fri 01 May 2015
  • misc

Knowledge vs Information

Glen Berseth

I have spent a far bit of time in the education system and I feel there is a great difference between knowledge and information. The internet is full of information, tons of small independent pieces of data. When you are at school you spend most of your time learning rules …