Glen Berseth

I am an assistant professor at the University de Montreal and Mila. My research explores how to use deep learning and reinforcement learning to develop generalist robots.

Publication Articles

Robust Space-time Footsteps for Agent-based Steering

Glen Berseth

Randomized, continuous footstep action space.

Geometric validation to ensure valid configuration.

With this work we build upon prevous work to inductavely design a robust footsteps-based steering algorithm. The steering algorithm uses an A* algorithm to generate least cost footstep plans between goals while avoiding dynamic collisions.


Glen Berseth, Brandon Haworth, Mubbasir Turab Kapadia, Petros Faloutsos

In the context of crowd simulation, there is a diverse set of algorithms that model steering. The performance of steering approaches, both in terms of quality of results and computational efficiency, depends on internal parameters that are manually tuned to satisfy application-specific requirements. This paper investigates the effect that these parameters have on an algorithm's performance. Using three representative steering algorithms and a set of established performance criteria, we perform a number of large scale optimization experiments that optimize an algorithm's parameters for a range of objectives.


Glen Berseth

Levels from Baulder's Gate

SteerPlex works to define a salient set of scenario features that can be used to identify the relative complexity of a steering scenario.

Unreal IndiGolog Bot Project

Glen B

This is my project on developing strategic Unreal Tournament bots in the Unreal Development Kit. They were designed to display team work, using well defined team roles. These roles established seniority in a sense where some bot on the team could influence others and with one bot taking command of …